Get your heart back - Live Free!
Get your heart back - Live Free!
Lone Wolf Counseling
Lone Wolf Counseling

Paul Atkins is available to speak at conferences, retreats, and other events. His fee will vary depending on the the number of sessions he is to lead. He prefers settings where he can speak to issues of healing, freedom, and life,
using a multi-media based approach with film clips, music, power point, and passion.
Some of the topics which Paul is passionate about include:
- Trauma and wounding--How do we find peace in place of pain?
- An emotionally healthy church -- what does wounding have to do with spirituality?
- I just feel stuck -- how our past causes trouble in our present.
- Why do I do the things I do?
- Why men hate to go to church.
- Why is life so darn hard?
- How do I fight for my marriage?
- Intimacy - our love/hate relationship with it.
- Addictions, obsessions, and compulsions -- the ways we medicate pain.
- Walking with God -- is conversational intimacy available to me?
- I'd follow him anywhere! -- leading from a place of honesty, brokenness, and vulnerability.
- Calling -- what is my unique place in the Kingdom of God?
- Did God keep his promise? -- why your redeemed heart is good, noble even.
- So much more than just forgiven -- why being a Christian is so much more than a ticket to heaven when we die.